
Intercepts emails being sent by Laravel. Great for local mail development.

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Laravel Message Interceptor

Latest Version on Packagist Build Status Quality Score Software License

This Laravel package helps to intercept e-mails and sends them to another recipient (or recipients) in a local environment.

Laravel ships with one way of intercepting emails in a local environment. However, this packages gives you a little bit more flexibility, such as whitelisting emails and domains in a local environment, preserving CC and BCC recipients, etc.

This hopefully helps to make the testing experience in email-centric workflows a little less painful for developers working locally.


Via Composer

$ composer require mozammil/laravel-message-interceptor --dev

Because of package auto-discovery, this should automatically register your ServiceProvider.


To publish the config file, you should do the following:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

The config file will be copied to config/message-interceptor.php. It should give you an idea of what's possible with the package.


return [

     * Whether or not the emails being sent should
     * be intercepted.
    'enabled' => env('MESSAGE_INTERCEPTOR_ENABLED', false),

     * The intercepted emails will be sent
     * to this address instead. If the address
     * is not send, an exception will be thrown
    'to' => [
        'address' => env('MESSAGE_INTERCEPTOR_ADDRESS', ''),
        'name' => env('MESSAGE_INTERCEPTOR_NAME', '')

     * By default, we will clear the recipients that are
     * cc'ed in the message. If you want to preserve the
     * cc'ed recipients, set this to true
    'preserveCc' => env('MESSAGE_INTERCEPTOR_PRESERVE_CC', false),

     * By default, we will clear the recipients that are
     * bcc'ed in the message. If you want to preserve the
     * bcc'ed recipients, set this to true
    'preserveBcc' => env('MESSAGE_INTERCEPTOR_PRESERVE_BCC', false),

     * The following addresses will also be CC'ed
     * when the email is intercepted and sent.
    'cc' => [],

     * The following addresses will also be BCC'ed
     * when the email is intercepted and sent.
    'bcc' => [],

     * Whitelisted email recipients.
    'whitelist' => [
         * Email addresses in the list below will
         * not be filtered out
        'emails' => [],

         * Email address matching the domain in
         * the list below will not be filtered out
        'domains' => []

For the package to work appropriately, it is fundamental that the following is configured in your .env file. By default, no emails will be intercepted.


Additional Information

Whenever an e-mail is intercepted, a Mozammil\LaravelMessageInterceptor\Events\MessageIntercepted::class event is also dispatched. You could then retrieve the original underlying Swift_Message from the event.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email hello@moz.im instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.