- 0
Publish to PyPi with GitHub Actions
#17 opened - 1
Add functional tests
#15 opened - 0
Lint with Python 3.x in CI workflow
#14 opened - 1
Publish to PyPi
#13 opened - 1
python -m clibato doesn't work
#12 opened - 0
Support Windows?
#11 opened - 1
Use pathlib.Path for handling paths
#10 opened - 1
- 0
Implement type-checking
#8 opened - 1
Improve shape-checking
#7 opened - 1
Orrganize dev/test dependencies
#6 opened - 1
Standardize import style
#5 opened - 1
Fix cyclic import detected by PyLint
#4 opened - 2
Remove utils.ConfigDict
#3 opened - 0
Automate config file detection
#2 opened - 1
Finish: clibato init
#1 opened