Example for sending emails using Symfony Mailer module in Drupal. This repository is related to the article Sending Emails with Drupal Symfony Mailer on Jigarius.com.
This package contains a Drupal module. To see the code in action, add these
lines to the project's composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@github.com:jigarius/drupal-custom-email-example.git"
You can then install this module with the following command:
composer require jigarius/custom_email_example
Enable the example module from Drupal's administration interface or using the Drush command:
drush en -y custom_email_example
If everything went well, you should receive email notifications when you:
- Log into your Drupal website.
- Log out of your Drupal website.