
  • Create a new react-native app using this template to speed up the initial project setup.
npx react-native@0.73.7 init SomeApp --template
bundle install
  • Install Cocoa Pods
cd SomeApp/
bundle install
yarn pod
  • Run iOS Application
yarn ios
  • Run Android Application
yarn android

Tech Stack

The following dependencies will be installed. Make sure to update some required credentials changes as mentioned in the following section.

Library Category Version Description
React Native Mobile Framework v0.73 The best cross-platform mobile framework
React UI Framework v18 The most popular UI framework in the world
TypeScript Language v5 Static typechecking
React Navigation Navigation v6 Performant and consistent navigation framework
Redux Toolkit State Management v2 Redux & React-Redux
RN Reanimated Animations v3 Beautiful and performant animations
AsyncStorage Persistence v1 State persistence
axios REST client v1 Communicate with back-end
Reactotron RN Inspector/Debugger v3 JS debugging
Jest Test Runner v26 Standard test runner for JS apps
date-fns Date library v2 Excellent date library
Device Info Utility v10 Device Information for React Native.
Fast Image Image Cache v8 FastImage is an Image replacement
sentry Remote Debugging v5 Crash logs, Remote logs, etc
react-native-splash-screen Mobile App Splash Screen v3 Display Splash screen when app launch

The template also includes basic components like the Button & Input component library

// TODO:

  • Update Theme (add light & dark mode)
  • Add Localization
  • Update Documentation
  • Add Rest API call example
  • Add Common components

Update Sentry

  • Step 1: Create Organization & Project in
  • Step 2: Rename .env.sample to .env
  • Step 3: Change the SENTRY_DSN value
  • Step 4: Update credentials in ios/ and android/
  • Step 3 & Step 4 values can be found on the setting page.

Create Your Custom ReactNative Template

Step 1: Create a new project, make sure to keep the name "ProjectName"

npx react-native init ProjectName

Step 2: Add packages & modify the project that needs to be included in the template

Step 3: Download or clone the repository on

Step 4: Create a new folder and give whatever name you like, after your template repository in my case react-native-template-gpt then rename your ProjectName folder to the template and then move it over to the newly created folder

Step 5: Copy package.json, script.js, and template.config.js from the react-native-new-template folder over to your newly created react-native-template-gpt folder.

Step 6: In the react-native-template-gpt folder modify the contents of package.json with your details like this

  "name": "react-native-template-gpt",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "React Native Template",
  "repository": "",
  "author": "Jignesh Patel<>",
  "license": "MIT"

Step 7: At the react-native-template-gpt folder, open a terminal and you can now push all of the code to the git repository using git commands.

git init 
git add . 
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Step 8: Create a project using the template

npx react-native@0.73.7 init SomeApp --template