
CorporatePresence Template is a professional and elegant HTML/CSS template designed for corporate or company websites. It offers a sleek and modern design, with customizable features to suit various business needs.

Table of Contents


CorporatePresence Template provides an ideal solution for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence. With its clean layout and user-friendly interface, it enables companies to showcase their products, services, and brand identity effectively.


  • Modern and professional design
  • Fully customizable layout
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Easy-to-use navigation menu
  • Integration with Font Awesome icons
  • Optimized for performance and SEO


To use CorporatePresence Template, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
     cd corporatepresence-template

3.Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser to view the template.



To customize CorporatePresence Template for your company website:

Modify the HTML and CSS files to add your content and branding elements. Replace placeholder images and text with your own company information. Customize the navigation menu and layout to meet your specific requirements. Feel free to explore and experiment with different features and design elements to create a unique and impactful website for your business.


If you would like to contribute to CorporatePresence Template, follow these steps:

Fork the repository. Create a new branch for your feature or improvement (git checkout -b feature-branch). Make your changes and ensure they adhere to the project's coding conventions. Test your changes thoroughly. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Create a new Pull Request.

**This project was developed by Jihad Al-Ibrahim Kamla **