- Its Fast
- It Can detect os architecture and download package compitable with it
- It detects if package is installed or not if installed it skips
- It usage github api to track the package update so it doesnt download outdated package
- It Download all the package from real source
- It doesnt use apt to install tools so tools can be downloaded and installed in any distro
- dnsx
- subfinder
- nuclei
- assetfinder
- wayback
- meg
- gf
- gron
- amass
- webscreenshot
- waybackunifier
- shodan
- censys
- goaltdns
- subjack
- ffuf
- hakrawler
- knockpy
- kxss
- dalfox
- otxurls [NEW]
- subjs [NEW]
- Gau [NEW]
- Corsy [NEW]
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoyGhoshs/0install/main/0install | bash
# Module Template
function install_yourpackagename(){
if command -v your_package_name &>/dev/null;
echo -e "$pl2 your_package_name $k1"
echo -e "$pl1 your_package_name $k2"
package_installation_process #author_name:your_name
# apt package_name --- to use apt to download and package
# mv_bin ----- to move your package compiled binary to /bin
# go_get github.com/user/repo ----- short form of go get -u
# get_latest github_user/repo ----- get package from any github repo relase page
# wget --- short form of wget -q
After creating module just create a issue and submit your module there we will add it soon