
My Unix Config <3

Primary LanguageLua


Neovim Alacritty tmux ZSH Fedora GNOME Firefox Vim Visual Studio Code

The commits in this repo illustrate my journey to build the best workflow a developer ever had.


  • Fedora + Gnome = A match made in Heaven!
  • Neovim with native LSP and Lazy. (Shoutout to all the amazing plugins ❤️)
  • Terminal: Alacritty + FiraCode + ZSH + Tmux
  • Other CLI/TUI tools include: fzf, atuin, Delta, fd, Batcat,rg...
  • Sometimes VS Code.


Clone the repo with all the submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/jihedmastouri/dotfiles .dotfiles

Use GNU Stow for symlinks:

chmod +x ./stow.sh && ./stow.sh -a

Apply Gnome settings

dconf load / < dump.dconf

All patched and working thanks to the endeavors of many people and organizations such as:

GNU Linux Apache Mozilla GNOME KDE