
Semi-supervised Learning for Recommender System


Semi-supervised Learning for Recommender System

Conference Papers

Collaborative Filtering

  • Semi-supervised Collaborative Filtering by Text-enhanced Domain Adaptation (KDD'20)
  • Bridging Collaborative Filtering and Semi-Supervised Learning: A Neural Approach for POI Recommendation (KDD'17)

Cold-Start Problem

  • Semi-Supervised Learning for Cross-Domain Recommendation to Cold-Start Users (CIKM'19)
  • Addressing Cold Start in Recommender Systems: A Semi-supervised Co-training Algorithm (SIGIR'14)
  • Semi-Supervised Discriminative Preference Elicitation for Cold-Start Recommendation (CIKM'13)

Shilling Attack Detection (SAD)

  • Shilling attack detection utilizing semi-supervised learning method for collaborative recommender system (WWW'13)
  • HySAD: A Semi-Supervised Hybrid Shilling Attack Detector for Trustworthy Product Recommendation (KDD'12)
  • Semi-SAD: Applying Semi-supervised Learning to Shilling Attack Detection (RecSys'11)


  • Product Bundle Identification using Semi-Supervised Learning (SIGIR'20)
  • New and Improved: Modeling Versions to Improve App Recommendation (SIGIR'14)
  • A Semi-Supervised Hybrid System to Enhance the Recommendation of Channels in Terms of Campaign ROI (CIKM'11)
  • Music Artist Style Identification by Semi-supervised Learning from both Lyrics and Content (MM'04)


  • Adversarial Variational Embedding for Robust Semi-supervised Learning (KDD'19)
  • Semi-Supervised Learning by Mixed Label Propagation (AAAI'17)
  • TopRec: Domain-Specific Recommendation through Community Topic Mining in Social Network (WWW'13)
  • Link Propagation: A Fast Semi-supervised Learning Algorithm for Link Prediction (SDM'09)
  • A Learning Framework using Green’s Function and Kernel Regularization with Application to Recommender System (KDD'07)

Journal Papers

  • SSL-SVD: Semi-supervised Learning–based Sparse Trust Recommendation (TOIT'20)
  • Semi-supervised Learning Meets Factorization: Learning to Recommend with Chain Graph Model (TKDD'18)
  • Semi-supervised ranking aggregation (IPM'11)
  • An iterative semi-explicit rating method for building collaborative recommender systems (ESWA'09)