Current Pintos
- No distinction between programs and arguments. Ex) If you enter “bin/ls –l foo bar“ on the command line, Pintos recognizes "bin/ls -l foo bar" as a single program name
- The function "process_execute()" loads and executes process into memory so that the user can execute the command entered
- Although the program is stored as in "file_name", "process_execute()" currently does not provide argument passing for the new process
Main Goal
- develop a feature to parse the command line string, store it on the stack, and pass arguments to the program.
- Instead of simply passsing the program file name as an argument in "process_executer()", you should modify it to parse words each time a space is encountered.
- In this case, the first word is the program name, and the second and third words are the first and second arguments.
Need to Add/Modify
- Modify "tid_t process_execute(const char *file_name)" (userprog/process.c)
- Modify "start_process(void *file_name_)" (userprog/process.c)
- Add "static void argument stack(const char*argv[], int argc, void **esp)" (userprog/process.c)
Main Goal
- Current pintos doesn't have implemented system call handlers, so system calls are not processed.
- We should..
- implement system call handler and system calls
- add system calls to provide services to users in system call handler; 'halt', 'exit', 'exec', 'wait'
Sytem Call
- Programming interface for services provided by the operating system
- Allow user mode programs to use kernel features
- System calls run on kernel mode and return to user mode
- Key point of system call is that priority of execution mode is raised to the special mode as hardware interrupts are generated to call system call
Process Hierarchy
- Augment the existing process with the process hierarchy
- When implementing system calls, it's important to consider the relationship between parent and child processes
System Call Handler
- Call the system call from the system call handler using the system call number.
Need to Add/Modify
- Modify thread structure (threads/thread.h)
- Modify "void syscall_init(void)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Modify "static void syscall_handler(struct intr_frame *f)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add "bool is_valid_ptr (const void *usr_ptr)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add "int wait (pid_t pid)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add "void exit (int status)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add "pid_t exec (const char *cmd_line)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add "void halt(void)" (userprog/syscall.c)
- Modify "tid_t process_execute(const char *file_name)" (userprog/process.c)
- Modify "int process_wait(tid_t child_tid)" (userprog/process.c)
Need to Add/Modify
- Define struct file_descriptor (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add bool create (const char *file_name, unsigned size) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add bool remove (const char *file_name) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add int open (const char *file_name) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add int filesize (int fd) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add int read (int fd, void *buffer, unsigned size) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add int write (int fd, const void *buffer, unsigned size) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add void seek (int fd, unsigned position) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add unsigned tell (int fd) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add void close (int fd) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add struct file_descriptor *get_open_file (int fd) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add void close_open_file (int fd) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add bool is_valid_ptr (const void *usr_ptr) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add int allocate_fd () (userprog/syscall.c)
- Add void close_file_by_owner (tid_t tid) (userprog/syscall.c)
- Modify bool load (const char *file_name, void (**eip) (void), void **esp) (userprog/process.c)
- Modify void process_exit (void) (userprog/process.c