Now that your personal digital therapist, Eliza, is up and running, it's time to step it up with some Easter Eggs.

If you type "pig" Eliza should begin speaking in pig latin (Source: ).

Pig Latin Rules:

  1. If the first letter is a consonant, add "ay" to the end
  2. If the first letter is a vowel, add "way" or "tay" to the end
  3. Don't worry about the "multiple-letters-that-sounds-like one" rule (ex. str-, ch-, th-, etc.)

Additional Features:

If you type "caps" Eliza should begin speaking in all caps.

If you type "play game" Eliza should allow you to play a game, such as your choose your own adventure game.

If you type in "red" Eliza 's text should be displayed in red.

At the end of the chat, print out the chat history.