This package contains a <stripe-element> component for Vue projects. It works best with the vuetify library.
Enter this in dependencies in your package.json file:
"vue-stripe-element": "jijoel/vue-stripe-element#master",
yarn add jijoel/vue-stripe-element#master
Import script methods:
import { getPaymentToken } from 'vue-stripe-element'
Require the component:
Vue.component('stripe-element', require('vue-stripe-element/src/components/StripeElement.vue'));
Load the component on your page:
The component accepts these props:
prop | default | description
el | stripe-element | The element to be bound
stripe-key | (required) | your public stripe key
options | {} | options to send to stripe. See the [official stripe documentation]( for more information
You can optionally include styles, for instance:
.StripeElement {
background-color: $yellow.lighten-4
border: 3px dashed $yellow.lighten-1
border-radius: 6px
You can load the stripe token from your main form, like this:
methods: {
getPaymentToken() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((response) => {
this.form.token = response.token
.catch((error) => {
// do error things
If you would like, and you are using the vue-message-helper package and vee-validate, you can also include a stripe-payment-form mixin which will automatically validate your form with vee-validate, post the credit data to Stripe, and then serialize and post your form data to your server (to the specified uri). To do this:
import StripeForm from 'vue-stripe-element/src/mixins/stripe-payment-form'
mixins: [ StripeForm ],
data() {
return {
uri: '/path/to/post',
In your template, the submit button will look something like this:
<v-btn color="primary"
:disabled="loading || errors.any()"
If there are problems, an error message will be shown. Otherwise, you can handle the response:
handleResponse(response) {
this.setSnackbar('success', 'Your data has been sent')
console.log('response', response)