
Project Overview

The purpose of this analysis is to:

  • determine the number of retiring employees per title
  • identify employees who are eligible to participate in a mentorship program.


We performed our analysis by completing the following steps.

Create database in PostgreSQL - ERD and Schema

Entity Relationship Diagram (Physical) created with ERD Diagram

Pewlett-Hackard Database Schema for Postgresql

CREATE TABLE departments (
        dept_no VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,
        dept_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (dept_no),
        UNIQUE (dept_name)
CREATE TABLE employees (
        emp_no INT NOT NULL,
        birth_date DATE NOT NULL,
        first_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        last_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        gender VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        hire_date DATE NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_no)
CREATE TABLE dept_manager (
        dept_no VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,
        emp_no INT NOT NULL,
        from_date DATE NOT NULL,
        to_date DATE NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (emp_no) REFERENCES employees (emp_no),
        FOREIGN KEY (dept_no) REFERENCES departments (dept_no),
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_no, dept_no)
CREATE TABLE salaries (
        emp_no INT NOT NULL,
        salary INT NOT NULL,
        from_date DATE NOT NULL,
        to_date DATE NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (emp_no) REFERENCES employees (emp_no),
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_no)
CREATE TABLE dept_emp (
        emp_no INT NOT NULL,
        dept_no VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        from_date DATE NOT NULL,
        to_date DATE NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (emp_no) REFERENCES employees (emp_no),
        FOREIGN KEY (dept_no) REFERENCES departments (dept_no),
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_no, dept_no)
        emp_no INT NOT NULL,
        title VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        from_date DATE NOT NULL,
        to_date DATE NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (emp_no) REFERENCES employees (emp_no),
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_no)

Determine the titles held by retirement-eligible employees (born 1952-1955)

SQL code to create the retirement_titles table


Find the most recently held title for each of the above

SQL code to create the unique_titles table


Gather counts for each title above

SQL code to create the retiring_titles table


Determine which employees born in 1965 are eligible for mentorship_eligibility

SQL code to create the mentorship_eligibility table



How many roles will need to be filled as the "silver tsunami" begins to make an impact?

There are a total of 90,398 employees (out of a total of 300,024) who are eligible for retirement soon. So 30% of the total workforce will leave in the next four years.

Count Percent of workforce
Total Employees born betwen 1952 - 1955 90,398 30.13%
Employees born in 1952 21,209 7.07%
Employees born in 1953 22,857 7.62%
Employees born in 1954 23,228 7.74%
Employees born in 1955 23,104 7.70%

Are there enough qualified, retirement-ready employees in the departments to mentor the next generation of Pewlett Hackard employees?

Counts of employees eligible for mentorship_eligibility

Mentees born in 1965

We can compare that with the number of employees available to be mentors below, and we can see that there are plenty of retirement-ready employees to mentor the next generation of PH employees:

Title Mentors Mentees
Senior Engineer 29,414 529
Senior Staff 28,254 569
Engineer 14,222 190
Staff 12,243 155
Technique Leader 4,502 77
Assistant Engineer 1,761 29
Manager 2 0

It actually looks like PH has the opposite problem. There are not enough younger employees to take up the slack when the retirees are gone.