
convert text into image for golang

Primary LanguageGo



Convert text into pictures, this is designed for posting long text message to weibo initially.

  1. paint text on picture.
  2. support jpg and png as well


Create new picture with Configure

pic := text2pic.NewTextPicture(text2pic.Configure{Width: 720, BgColor:text2pic.ColorWhite})

Add text line to picture with font, color and padding

pic.AddTextLine(" The Turkish lira plunged as much as 11% against the dollar", 13, f, text2pic.ColorBlue, text2pic.Padding{Left: 20, Right: 20, Bottom: 30})

Add picture io.reader is required and padding as well

pic.AddPictureLine(file, text2pic.Padding{Bottom: 20})

Draw it on io.writer. TypePng and TypeJpeg are supported

pic.Draw(writer, text2pic.TypeJpeg)


Source Code see in the example directory output.jpg

package main

import (

func main() {

	// Read the font data.
	fontBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("FZHTJW.TTF")
	if err != nil {
	//produce the fonttype
	f, err := freetype.ParseFont(fontBytes)
	if err != nil {

	//define New picture with given width in px
	//the height will be calucated before draw on picture
	//picture will be resize to 80% of the width you given
	pic := text2pic.NewTextPicture(text2pic.Configure{
		Width: 720,

	//add chinese line
	pic.AddTextLine("1.这个是标题", 20, f, text2pic.ColorRed, text2pic.Padding{Left: 20, Top: 10, Bottom: 20})
	pic.AddTextLine("    北京铁路局今天凌晨2时16分发布消息称:8月12日23时04分,aaaa京沪高铁廊坊至北京aaaaa南间发生设备故障,导致部分列车晚点。铁路部门及时启动应急预案处置时16分发布消息称时16分发布消息称北京铁路局今天凌晨2时16分发布消息称:8月12日23时04分,aaaa京沪高铁廊坊至北京aaaaa南间发生设备故障,导致部分列车晚点。铁路部门及时启动应急预案处置时16分发布消息称时16分发布消息称北京铁路局今天凌晨2时16分发布消息称:8月12日23时04分,aaaa京沪高铁廊坊至北京aaaaa南间发生设备故障,导致部分列车晚点。铁路部门及时启动应急预案处置时16分发布消息称时16分发布消息称", 12, f, text2pic.ColorGreen, text2pic.Padding{Left: 20, Right: 20, Bottom: 30})
	//add picture
	file, err := os.Open("timg.jpg")
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()
	pic.AddPictureLine(file, text2pic.Padding{Bottom: 20})
	//add full english text
	pic.AddTextLine("3.For English", 20, f, text2pic.ColorRed, text2pic.Padding{Bottom: 20})
	pic.AddTextLine(" The Turkish lira plunged as much as 11% against the dollar, hitting a record low, before recovering some of its losses in volatile trading. The lira had already plummeted more than 20% last week as a political clash with the United States intensified and investors fretted about the Turkish government's lack of action to tackle the problems plaguing its economy.  ", 13, f, text2pic.ColorBlue, text2pic.Padding{Left: 20, Right: 20, Bottom: 30})

	// Save the output to file
	outFile, err := os.Create("out.jpg")
	if err != nil {
	defer outFile.Close()
	b := bufio.NewWriter(outFile)
	//produce the output
	pic.Draw(b, text2pic.TypeJpeg)
	e := b.Flush()
	if e!=nil {
