

  • Our users should be able to come to our web app to add or remove cars that they want on their Wish List.

Part 1

  • Create a new project for practicing ES6 modules
  • Inside of your project
  • Create an index.js file
  • Create an index.html file
  • In our index.html, add a script tag and set the src to be our index.js file

Part 2

  • We’re going to be using ES6 modules. So let’s take this time to configure Webpack to bundle our project
  • Initialize npm in your project to create a package.json file
  • Install webpack and webpack-cli
  • Create a dist/ and src/ folder in the root directory of your project
  • Move your index.html file to the dist/ folder
  • Move your index.js file to the src/ folder
  • Open your package.json file, and make sure to add “scripts”: {“build”: “webpack”}
  • Make sure you change the js script in your index.html to ...src=”main.js”...
  • From the command line/terminal, run “npm run build” for webpack to bundle your project

Part 3

  • Create a car.js file, then do the following:

    • Create a class called Car
    • Add a constructor that takes a make, model, and year
    • Create an info() function that displays the car’s info to the document
  • Create a wishlist.js file

    • Create a class WishList
    • At minimum, the WishList class should have a method for adding or removing cars from the WishList
  • Our users should be able to view the cars in the WishList from the document, so either as a method on the WishList class, or a separate function in the index.js file, you should account for this functionality of displaying and updating the DOM

  • Inside of index.js

  • Import our Car and WishList modules

  • Create a new instance of our WishList

  • Users should be able to interact with our web page (DOM) to add new Car instances to their Wish List