- 2
Speed up bipartite matching and Ford-Fulkerson
#70 opened by jilljenn - 0
Problem with Fenwick range sum range add
#73 opened by jilljenn - 0
import tryalgo
#72 opened by xtof-durr - 2
Trivial C1P is not validated
#57 opened by MLopez-Ibanez - 3
Fix tiles in TryAlgo in Paris
#68 opened by jilljenn - 1
Benchmark union of rectangles
#71 opened by jilljenn - 0
Small improvements to code
#69 opened by jilljenn - 1
Fix coverage
#62 opened by jilljenn - 1
Invalid Book link
#58 opened by ScientificX - 1
Data Input Format for Gale-Shapley
#67 opened by kalee - 1
Search does not work in docs
#66 opened by jilljenn - 1
Add pyproject.toml
#60 opened by jilljenn - 0
- 8
Problem with consecutive ones
#55 opened by martinlackner - 3 input ?
#54 opened by remic33 - 4
- 1
- 11
Typo in a link in the doc
#42 opened by Naereen - 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
tests: sorted instead of set in unorder?
#17 opened by Shloub - 1
anagrams modifies its input
#15 opened by Shloub - 0
dist_grid doc says it uses DFS
#16 opened by Shloub - 1
- 2
Problems: table is not sortable
#13 opened by Shloub - 1
cut_nodes_edges2 not in tryalgo-1.0
#14 opened by jyloup - 1
#2 opened by louisabraham