
A fast Neovim http client written in Lua

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


License Neovim version



A fast Neovim http client written in Lua.

rest.nvim makes use of a curl wrapper made in pure Lua by tami5 and implemented in plenary.nvim so, in other words, rest.nvim is a curl wrapper so you don't have to leave Neovim!

IMPORTANT: If you are facing issues, please report them


  • 2021-08-26: We have deleted the syntax file for HTTP files to start using the tree-sitter parser instead, please see Tree-Sitter parser section for more information.
  • 2021-07-01: Now for getting syntax highlighting in http files you should add a require('rest-nvim').setup() to your rest.nvim setup, refer to packer.nvim. This breaking change should allow lazy-loading of rest.nvim.


  • Easy to use
  • Fast execution time
  • Run request under cursor
  • Syntax highlight for http files and output
  • Possibility of using environment variables in http files


WARNING: rest.nvim requires Neovim >= 0.5 to work.


  • System-wide
    • curl
    • jq (to format JSON output so it can be human-readable)
  • Other plugins


use {
    requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
    config = function()
        -- Open request results in a horizontal split
        result_split_horizontal = false,
        -- Skip SSL verification, useful for unknown certificates
        skip_ssl_verification = false,
        -- Highlight request on run
        highlight = {
            enabled = true,
            timeout = 150,
        -- Jump to request line on run
        jump_to_request = false,

Tree-Sitter parser

We are using a Tree-Sitter parser for our HTTP files, in order to get the correct syntax highlighting you should add this before your tree-sitter setup.

local parser_configs = require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").get_parser_configs()
parser_configs.http = {
  install_info = {
    url = "https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/tree-sitter-http",
    files = { "src/parser.c" },
    branch = "main",

And then add "http" in your ensure_installed table or manually run :TSInstall http.


By default rest.nvim does not have any key mappings so you will not have conflicts with any of your existing ones.

To run rest.nvim you should map the following commands:

  • <Plug>RestNvim, run the request under the cursor
  • <Plug>RestNvimPreview, preview the request cURL command
  • <Plug>RestNvimLast, re-run the last request


  • result_split_horizontal opens result on a horizontal split (default opens on vertical)
  • skip_ssl_verification passes the -k flag to cURL in order to skip SSL verification, useful when using unknown certificates
  • highlight allows to enable and configure the highlighting of the selected request when send,
  • jump_to_request moves the cursor to the selected request line when send,


Create a new http file or open an existing one and place the cursor over the request method (e.g. GET) and run rest.nvim.


  1. rest.nvim follows the RFC 2616 request format so any other http file should work without problems.

  2. You can find examples of use in tests


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/rest.nvim/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


rest.nvim is MIT Licensed.