
Three similar solutions which achieve comunication with the SharepointOnline service.

Primary LanguageC#


Three similar solutions which achieve communication with the SharepointOnline service from a deamon console app.


This directory contains a PnP.Framework sample that shows how to get a client context to a SharePoint Online Site collection with a modern approach.


This directory contains a MSGraph project sample that utilizes the GraphServiceClient in order to fetch infrormation about a site collection.


Default way of accesing a SharePoint Site Collection by utilizing the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace.

Minimal Path to Awesome

In order for the three above way to function as intended the below are required:

  • An App registration in the tenant's Azure Active directory

  • The below API Permissions:


** Bear in mind, that the Application Permission Sites.Selected could also be picked, but that would require additional PS scripting that is not in the scope of this example