
PEP to add fl-string support to Python 3.10

Primary LanguagePython

Adding fl-string support for deferred evaluation of f-strings


fl-strings support a structured way to defer evaluations of f-strings by making them callable objects. Writing

i = 42
log.debug(fl"Log entry: {i}")

desugars to something like the following equivalent Python code:

i = 42
    lambda self, cb: f"Log Entry: {cb(self, i, 0, '')}",
    "LogEntry: {i}"))

Note that standard scope analysis of any referenced names applies, including the support of nested scopes and observation of mutability. No frame introspection needed.

FLCallable can be implemented in Python, but it should be a builtin type, similar to slice or range for performance:

FLCallableBase = namedtuple("FLCallable", ["call_ex", "raw"])

class FLCallable(FLCallableBase):
    def identity(self, value, index, formatspec):
        return value.__format__(formatspec)

    def __call__(self, cb=identity):
        return self.call_ex(self, cb)

    __str__ = __call__

This approach supports the following:

  • Users can simply change their f-strings to fl-strings.
  • Existing libraries that only expect strings, including f-strings, work as expected, however, the stringification is deferred until used. (Note that if the expressions are based on mutating values, this may result in a different stringification each time - there are no one-shot semantics. Although one can always wrap a fl-string with such a function.)
  • Maintains f-string semantics, including observability of mutated variables in expressions and no use of frame introspection.
  • Support for such use cases as logging; internationalization (i18n); sanitizing expressions - especially user-sourced to prevent injection attacks - for such uses as HTML, shell, and SQL; and screening of PII data.
  • As with f-strings, it is possible to use r in the prefix to indicate the string is raw with respect to any escape character handling.

Previous work

This work builds on PEP 501 "General purpose string interpolation" and BPO #32954 "Lazy Literal String Interpolation", and is further inspired by JavaScript tagged template literals.


fl-string objects have the following minimal API (document with type hints). This can be considered to be equivalent to the following singleton class implemented at the location of the fl-string. So this could be done with a type 3-arg constructor, or a custom C-based type, but for notational convenience we will show it as follows:

class FL:
    def __call__(self) -> str:
        """Returns the wrapped f-string."""

    def call_ex(self, cb) -> Any:
        """Calls a callback `cb` per expression in the f-string. Although each callback should return a string, it's possible for the callback to record these calls, then for call_ex to return `Any` type.

    def raw(self) -> str:
        """Returns the raw, unparsed string."""

    __str__ = __call__


  • f-strings are simple, elegant, and performant, because they follow standardPython practice. We should do more of that.
  • fl-strings - where "l" might stand for "lazy" or "lambda" or that it should be used for logging, although I have nothing really invested here in terms of the prefix - "i" could work as in PEP 501, but I do think the ergomomics are easier - like f-strings, but lazy. Note that it's possible to also add in "r" to the prefix, much like f-strings.

With that, let's add the following observations:

Deferring the execution requires the standard Python approach by wrapping it in a function. But nested scopes still apply in this case, as observed in https://bugs.python.org/issue32954 This allows us to avoid approaches like https://gitlab.com/warsaw/flufl.i18n/-/blob/master/flufl/i18n/_translator.py#L64 which uses sys._getframe to access variables, or then having to do further eval - we just use what has been built with f-string.

Rewriting expressions for such purposes as sanitization requires a callback on each expression. There are still some fiddly details to be worked out with respect to this callback, with respect to what parameters it should take, including the formatspec. A good example of a rewrite would be adding log record attributes as we see in https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0501/#possible-integration-with-the-logging-module. If log record attributes are in a namespace, say a new enum LogAttribute.NAME defined in logging, it's a straightforward and correct rewriting to map to the current logger name. In contrast, in PEP 501, we have to parse expressions like {'record.name'} and assume that it means that. I think it's preferable to use namespaces to help manage this mapping.

Certain rewriting requires access to the original raw string. An example of this would be using the raw string to look up the corresponding CLDR plural rules in ICU (http://cldr.unicode.org/index/cldr-spec/plural-rules), with a specific example here: http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/messages Note that there is not a 1-to-1 mapping between such f-strings and CLDR templates in their syntax, but arguably it is sufficiently close that a simple mapping could be done. So consider this example:

print(_(fl("{host} invites {guest} and {num_guests} other people to their party.}")))

where _ is some arbitrary function that takes into account async context vars or thread locals, etc, and also serves as a marker for static analyzing this code for i18n. (Note: I'm not an i18n expert at all, but that's the purpose of this PEP proces!)

Lastly, each of the two variants of the original fl-string source code is needed:

  • The callback variant cannot be derived from the raw string at runtime without using sys._getframe, because of the scope analysis. Such frame inspection at user level significantly impact performance as I understand it on IronPython and PyPy, and would have similar considerations for a possibly optimized Jython.
  • The raw variant cannot be reconstructed at runtime from one of the other variants without inspecting bytecode, and that's even worse than frame inspection (at least for implementations like Jython where such bytecode inspection requires it to be retrieved from a file).