Existing (Working) Examples of custom modules:

ansible-playbook ./customperl.yml

This module, written in Perl is built to mark CHANGE on an "object" value that includes a vowel and FAIL on a "condition" value that includes a J or a Z.

    - object: KH
    - condition: remarkable
    - name: This is an ansible module written in Perl
        object: "{{ object }}"
        condition: "{{ condition }}"
      register: modoutput

    - debug:
        var: modoutput

TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "modoutput": {
        "changed": false, 
        "failed": false, 
        "msg": "The object is KH and the condition is remarkable"

[ansible@module-creation]# ansible-playbook ./customperl.yml  -e "object=dog condition=happy"

PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************************************

TASK [This is an ansible module written in Perl] *********************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "modoutput": {
        "changed": "true", 
        "failed": false, 
        "msg": "The object is dog and the condition is happy, but a vowel in the object marks it as CHANGED"

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   


This is a project to help teach the concepts behind Ansible modules -- how they work and how to create your own. As this is a WIP, the general outline for the project is to divide the work into a few sections:

  1. Ansible basics (deck / doc)
    • This will be the foundational baseline knowledge.
    • To proceed beyond this section, users should have a general understanding of Ansible and ability to write a playbook
  2. Understanding how modules work in relation to Ansible (deck / doc / example module)
    • Examples of add-on modules in the ./library/ directory of a role
    • Demonstration of how input is received to the module
    • Seeing how advanced Python code can parse / process / digest data inside the module
    • Understanding the output from the module
    • Additional items? Debug, check, required pieces... plenty I'm sure could be added here
  3. Example working code
    • A ready-made file with demo functionality already working
    • Example playbook to leverage the module
    • Should be operable without any additional python libraries -- drop it in place and use it
    • 2 or 3 variations where this example code could be modified for different results (either in input types, output format, or function)

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Author(s) Information

This project was created in 2020 by Kevin Holmes, based on the need to offer simple spoon-fed instructions for building a module. This is, in no way, an advanced module course, no a Python lesson. This is meant to be a very simple introduction to the conduit and to help stimulate your brain into different ways you can use it.

  • 2020-11-02 Working examples of Perl and Bash language modules have been added.
  • Initial Update 2020-10-29 :: Documentation and overview created in hopes to evangelize the effort and the message to those who can help and contribute