
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/bugsim

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome to the bugsim source code!

This directory is kept very clean, so there is only one command you need to know about, "go".

The 'go' shell script
The first time you checkout the code, you will need to make the script executable.

To do this, run "chmod +x go" at the shell.

To make things easier, add the following line to your bash profile:

export PATH=.:$PATH

This script is a wrapper for our build process. 

There are several commands you might want to pass it. 

You can type

ant -p

to list these.

go test             -->  compiles and executes unit tests.
go build-osx-app    -->  compiles, tests and ends up building you a nice .app package in the /target/app directory