
Jim's 'nix environment

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

New mac installation

Install oh-my-zsh


Step By Step

  • 1Password (from app store)
  • Connect accounts
  • Developer Tools
  • Upgrade systems
  • Karabiner (for keyboard shortcuts) https://ke-complex-modifications.pqrs.org/#modifier-keys for return as control
  • Homebrew (see below)
  • SDKMAN https://sdkman.io/install
  • CLojure
brew install cowsay
brew install kitty

# Install oh-my-zsh
# Airdrop ssh files

git clone git@github.com:jimbarritt/dot-files.git

General OS Configuration

  • Dark menues
  • Grey highlight
  • Control bar shows F1 etc
  • fn key shows extended bar
  • Change hostname (preferences -> sharing)


In order to have a sublime typing experience particularly in vim or emacs, you need to adjust the keyboard. It is a simple hack but it really makes a difference.

You can change the return key so that when its pressed with other keys it acts like a control key.

Then you can also change the CAPS LOCK key to do the same thing. This means they continue to function normally except when pressed in conjunction with other keys which makes your fingers and typing so much better particularly in emacs.

You can do this using the wonderful utility karabiner note that these modifications are called "complex modifications" and have to be imported from their website - all the buttons for this are on the UI.]

Remap option key to "META" in the terminal app so you cvan use emacs

Also what is quite annoying if you have a UK keyboard is that the # symbol is on "OPTION+3" because the £ symbol is default.

So you can switch the input source to ENGLISH US which means that it will now put th # on SHIFT+3 instead. the only downside is you cant now to OPT+2 for the euro symbol. SO this needs to be mapped back in emacs. You can get it if you really need it from the symbol picker.

OR you can create a custom input source. Use this program https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=ukelele

This allows you to create a layout from an existing one (British) and then just swap the £ for the #

Dont Follow these instructions https://superuser.com/questions/665494/how-to-make-a-custom-keyboard-layout-in-os-x#665726

There is now an "install for current user" option in ukelele - You need to quit and restart the system preferences and it shows up.

Now I can type € # or £ perfectly in any normal editor.


There is one issue - it doesn't seem easy to remove the "default" keyboard layout from the list and the above link gets pretty indepth trying to solve it - however, you can just unclick the "show input source in menu bar" and it will disappear.

This seems to be a pretty solid fix. The bundle I edited is called "British Coder" and is in this dot-files dir.

So now in terminal or most other osx apps, you should be able to do navigation like in emacs with CTRL+n and p b, f etc and option key to do meta in the terminalk but still be able to tyope € # £ in normal editors.

Next up update emacs so that it works the same way

Configure Terminal

The NORD theme is very good https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arcticicestudio/nord-terminal-app/develop/src/xml/Nord.terminal

Download it then preferences, import from terminal app.

When selected, set it to default and also select "option as meta" checkbox so you can

also DOOM for emacs https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-doom-themes/blob/screenshots/README.md#doom-one-light-wip

based on NORD



ssh keys


Checkout from here

Theres a script in there called install.sh

The .bashrc file is where it all kicks off. This has a set of generic customisations for bash which should work on any machine. If there are customisations that are specific to a machine (i.e. they need a hard coded path, then this file sources the file .bashrc_workstation, so they can be stored there.

I have some aliases set up for git in .gitconfig particularly interesting is the "serve" option - see http://coderwall.com/p/eybtga. This means I just need to type:

git serve

In a git rep dir and then people can do:

git clone git://your.laptop.ip.or.hostname/



/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

When you do this the first time it will force you to install the developer command line tools.


THe next most important application is of course, emacs.

The best thing is to download the installer and run from here

Then need to check out emax and install it

I have many customisations in here but the most important is to map the right command key to be the meta key

To get eaf (and show browsers in your emacs, https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsApplicationFramework

pip install xlib
brew install pyqt5
pip install pymediainfo

Use Brew to upgrade emacs on the command line


Here is some code


  • IntelliJ
  • Goland
  • Omnigraffle


brew install maven
