
redis-commander wrapper for cloud foundry

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to cf-redis-commander!


Wrapper of redis-commander for cloud foundry. Thanks to https://github.com/joeferner/redis-commander/.

Deployment to Cloud Foundry

  1. git clone this repository,
git clone https://github.com/jimbasler-pivotal/cf-redis-commander
cd cf-redis-commander

Remember to install cf cli and then get an account from Pivotal Web Services.

  1. Push the application:
cf push --no-start
  1. Bind redis service to this app.

  2. Change the env variable SERVICE_NAME to the bound service instance name.

  3. You can access your app at

http://<random route>.cfapps.io
  1. Login with 'admin' and 'pass' unless you changed it in index.js