
Command line client for Cloud Big Data

Primary LanguagePython


An API client for the Rackspace Cloud Big Data API


Install from pip

$ pip install lavaclient


For a list of commands

$ lava --help

usage: lava [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--api-key LAVA_API_KEY] [--region REGION]
            [--tenant TENANT] [--version VERSION] [--debug]
            [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--auth-url AUTH_URL] [--headless]
            [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--insecure]
            [--retries RETRIES] [--retry-backoff RETRY_BACKOFF]
            [--request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT] [--format] [--no-format]
            [--header] [--no-header] [--delimiter DELIMITER]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

General Options:
  --token TOKEN         Lava API authentication token
  --api-key LAVA_API_KEY
                        Lava API key
  --region REGION       API region, e.g. DFW
  --tenant TENANT       Tenant ID
  --version VERSION     Print client version
  --debug, -d           Print debugging information; use multiple times for
                        more verbose logging
  --endpoint ENDPOINT   API endpoint URL
  --auth-url AUTH_URL   Keystone endpoint URL
  --headless            Do not request user input
  --user USER           Keystone auth username
  --password PASSWORD   Keystone auth password
  --insecure, -k        Turn of SSL cert validation
  --retries RETRIES     Number of times to retry on connection errors
  --retry-backoff RETRY_BACKOFF
                        Amount of time to increase the delay between retry
                        attempts, in fractional seconds.
  --request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT
                        Amount of time to wait for a response, in seconds

Formatting Options:
  --format, -f          Show a formatted table in the output
  --no-format, -F       Opposite of --format, -f
  --header              When outputting an unformatted table, print the header
                        to stdout instead of stderr
  --no-header           Opposite of --header
  --delimiter DELIMITER, -l DELIMITER
                        Column delimiter to use when formatting is disabled


For a list of subcommands for each command

$ lava <command>

Here's an example of a cluster command with no arguments

$ lava clusters

usage: lava clusters [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--api-key LAVA_API_KEY]
                     [--region REGION] [--tenant TENANT] [--version VERSION]
                     [--debug] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--auth-url AUTH_URL]
                     [--headless] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                     [--insecure] [--retries RETRIES]
                     [--retry-backoff RETRY_BACKOFF]
                     [--request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT] [--format]
                     [--no-format] [--header] [--no-header]
                     [--delimiter DELIMITER]

lava clusters: error: too few arguments


Authentication requires a username, tenant ID, region, and API key. Username is your mycloud username. Your tenant ID can be found on your mycloud control panel under the 'Account' tab. region is the location of your servers (DFW, LON, IAD, ORD). The API key can also be found in the mycloud control panel under 'Settings'.

$ lava --user mycloud_username --tenant mytenant_id --region myserverregion --api-key myapikey authenticate


Alternatively, these values can be saved in a config file and passed in using supernova. You can use supernova with lava by specifying lava as the executable

$ supernova -x lava dfw clusters list

Timeouts and Retries

You can configure lavaclient to automatically retry on network errors and 503 Service Unavailable responses. By default, it will retry 3 times with a delay in factors of 200ms (i.e. 200ms for the first retry, then 400ms, then 800ms).

$ lava --retries 10 --retry-backoff 0.05

That would retry up to 10 times, starting with a 5ms delay and increasing that delay to 10ms, 20ms, 40ms, etc until it gives up after 10 retry attempts.

You can also configure the request timeout. The default timeout is 30s, but you can change that to whatever you like.

$ lava --request-timeout 120

It should be noted that the retry options also affect timeouts, so if you have a large number of retries and a long timeout, it could take quite a while before it finally gives up. The default values should suit most general use-cases.


With lavaclient, you can easily perform a variety of operations on your clusters including viewing, creating, resizing and deleting.

To list all clusters

$ lava clusters list

|                  ID                  |       Name      | Status |    Stack     |          Created          |
|         my-cluster-id-12345          |  myclustername  | ACTIVE | KAFKA_HDP2_2 | 2014-05-13 00:00:00+00:00 |

To get detailed information for a cluster

$ lava clusters get --user mycloudusername --tenant mytenant_id --region myserverregion --token 3fb1a5a73973886b46bd7a94fa86c259

|                      Cluster                       |
| ID          |                  my-cluster-id-12345 |
| Name        |                        myclustername |
| Status      |                               ACTIVE |
| Stack       |                         KAFKA_HDP2_2 |
| Created     |            2014-05-13 00:00:00+00:00 |
| CBD Version |                                    2 |
| Username    |                      mycloudusername |
| Progress    |                                 1.00 |

|                        Node Groups                         |
|     ID    |   Flavor  | Count |         Components         |
|   master  | hadoop1-4 |     1 |     [{name=Namenode}]      |
| secondary | hadoop1-4 |     1 | [{name=SecondaryNamenode}] |
|   slave   | hadoop1-7 |     1 |     [{name=Datanode},      |
|           |           |       |    {name=KafkaBroker},     |
|           |           |       |  {name=ZookeeperClient}]   |
| zookeeper | hadoop1-2 |     3 |  [{name=ZookeeperServer},  |
|           |           |       |  {name=ZookeeperClient}]   |

To create a cluster you must specify the name of the cluster and the stackID. For stack options

$ lava stacks list --user mycloudusername --tenant mytenant_id --region myserverregion --token 3fb1a5a73973886b46bd7a94fa86c259

|       ID      |            Name           | Distro |                    Description                    |             Services             |
|   ALL_HDP2_2  | HDP 2.2 with all services | HDP2.2 | All components of the HDP distribution configured | [{name=HDFS, modes=[Secondary]}, |
|               |                           |        |             in a single cluster setup.            |      {name=YARN, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=MapReduce, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Hive, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Pig, modes=[]},       |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Sqoop, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Oozie, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Flume, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Storm, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Kafka, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=Zookeeper, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Falcon, modes=[]},     |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Spark, modes=[]}]      |
| HADOOP_HDP2_2 |       Hadoop HDP 2.2      | HDP2.2 |   Core batch processing systems and interactive   | [{name=HDFS, modes=[Secondary]}, |
|               |                           |        |                querying with Hive.                |      {name=YARN, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=MapReduce, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Hive, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Pig, modes=[]},       |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Sqoop, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Oozie, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Flume, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Storm, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Kafka, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=Zookeeper, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Falcon, modes=[]},     |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Spark, modes=[]}]      |
|  KAFKA_HDP2_2 |       Kafka HDP 2.2       | HDP2.2 | An individual Kafka stack serving as the backbone | [{name=HDFS, modes=[Secondary]}, |
|               |                           |        |      of a distributed message queuing system.     |      {name=YARN, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=MapReduce, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Hive, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Pig, modes=[]},       |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Sqoop, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Oozie, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Flume, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Storm, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Kafka, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=Zookeeper, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Falcon, modes=[]},     |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Spark, modes=[]}]      |
|  STORM_HDP2_2 |   Storm + Kafka HDP 2.2   | HDP2.2 |    Real-time stream processing on HDP 2.2 with    | [{name=HDFS, modes=[Secondary]}, |
|               |                           |        |                    Storm/Kafka                    |      {name=YARN, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=MapReduce, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Hive, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |      {name=Pig, modes=[]},       |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Sqoop, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Oozie, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Flume, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Storm, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Kafka, modes=[]},      |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |   {name=Zookeeper, modes=[]},    |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Falcon, modes=[]},     |
|               |                           |        |                                                   |     {name=Spark, modes=[]}]      |

node-groups must also be specified. node-groups consist of flavor_id and count. To view available flavors

$ lava flavors list --user mycloudusername --tenant mytenant_id --region myserverregion --token 3fb1a5a73973886b46bd7a94fa86c259

|      ID     |          Name          |    RAM | VCPUs |  Disk |
|  hadoop1-15 | Medium Hadoop Instance |  15360 |     4 |  2500 |
|  hadoop1-30 | Large Hadoop Instance  |  30720 |     8 |  5000 |
|  hadoop1-60 | XLarge Hadoop Instance |  61440 |    16 | 10000 |
|  hadoop1-7  | Small Hadoop Instance  |   7680 |     2 |  1250 |
| onmetal-io1 |     OnMetal IO v1      | 131072 |    40 |  3200 |
$ lava clusters create myclustername STORM_HDP2_2 --node-groups 'slave(flavor_id=hadoop1-7, count=1)' --user mycloudusername --tenant mytenantID --region myserverregion --token 3fb1a5a73973886b46bd7a94fa86c259

|                      Cluster                       |
| ID          | 9efce032-b904-4f12-9e6f-35aa4aeba8d8 |
| Name        |                        myclustername |
| Status      |                             BUILDING |
| Stack       |                         STORM_HDP2_2 |
| Created     |            2014-05-13 00:00:00+00:00 |
| CBD Version |                                    2 |
| Username    |                      mycloudusername |
| Progress    |                                 0.00 |

|                        Node Groups                         |
|     ID    |   Flavor  | Count |         Components         |
|   master  | hadoop1-4 |     1 |     [{name=Namenode}]      |
| secondary | hadoop1-4 |     1 | [{name=SecondaryNamenode}] |
|   slave   | hadoop1-7 |     1 |     [{name=Datanode},      |
|           |           |       |    {name=KafkaBroker},     |
|           |           |       |  {name=ZookeeperClient}]   |
| zookeeper | hadoop1-2 |     3 |  [{name=ZookeeperServer},  |
|           |           |       |  {name=ZookeeperClient}]   |


To display node information for a specific cluster

$ lava nodes list my-cluster-id --user mycloudusername --tenant mytenant_id --region myserverregion --token 3fb1a5a73973886b46bd7a94fa86c259

|                  ID                  |     Name    |    Role   | Status |    Public IP    |   Private IP   |           Components           |
| d1ed20c6-0280-4c90-a339-cbe70f58f0dd |   master-1  |   master  | ACTIVE | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx |   [{nice_name=HDFS Namenode,   |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                | name=Namenode, uri=http://mast |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |       er-1.local:xxxxx}]       |
| 5fa0a915-e656-4696-8f56-4c626019eb5e | zookeeper-2 | zookeeper | ACTIVE | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx | [{nice_name=Zookeeper Server,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperServer},     |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |  {nice_name=Zookeeper Client,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperClient}]     |
| 1dd9998a-062a-4ca0-acd2-2a429010272d | zookeeper-3 | zookeeper | ACTIVE | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx | [{nice_name=Zookeeper Server,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperServer},     |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |  {nice_name=Zookeeper Client,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperClient}]     |
| 92934c5a-55d9-423f-a331-607c6e706291 | zookeeper-1 | zookeeper | ACTIVE | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx | [{nice_name=Zookeeper Server,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperServer},     |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |  {nice_name=Zookeeper Client,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperClient}]     |
| 3392bcf1-1fd8-4564-ba25-27f207465882 |   slave-1   |   slave   | ACTIVE | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx |   [{nice_name=HDFS Datanode,   |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                | name=Datanode, uri=http://slav |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |       e-1.local:xxxxx},        |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |    {nice_name=Kafka Broker,    |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |       name=KafkaBroker},       |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |  {nice_name=Zookeeper Client,  |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |     name=ZookeeperClient}]     |
| 995f463e-26bd-427e-b041-baa31cf843c8 | secondary-1 | secondary | ACTIVE | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx |   [{nice_name=HDFS Secondary   |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                |           Namenode,            |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                | name=SecondaryNamenode, uri=ht |
|                                      |             |           |        |                 |                | tp://secondary-1.local:xxxxx}] |