
Template for creating audio encoders compatible with X-ARES

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository provides a template for creating audio encoders compatible with X-ARES: the eXtensive Audio Representation and Evaluation Suite. Your encoder should process raw audio waveforms and generate meaningful audio embeddings.

Note: This repository is not yet ready. The first official release is scheduled for August 31, 2024.

Getting Started

1. Fork the repository and clone your fork

git clone https://github.com/your-github-id/the-forked-xares-template.git

2. Install X-ARES

pip install xares

3. Implement your encoder

  1. Create a new Python file in the root directory of this repository (e.g., my_encoder.py).
  2. In this file, define a new class (e.g., MyEncoder) that inherits from the AudioEncoderBase class (defined in xares.audio_encoder_base).
  3. Override the __call__ method in your class to handle audio processing and return the encoded audio embeddings. This method should accept a PyTorch tensor representing the input audio and an integer representing the sampling rate. The output should be a PyTorch tensor.
  4. You can override additional methods or define new ones as needed. Refer to the examples in examples/dasheng/dasheng_encoder.py and examples/wav2vec2/wav2vec2_encoder.py for guidance.

4. Check the input/output format of your encoder

>>> from my_encoder import MyEncoder
>>> encoder = MyEncoder()

>>> import torch
>>> audio = torch.randn(2, 48_000)

>>> encoder.check_input_audio(audio, encoder.sampling_rate)  # Check if the input audio format is valid (provided by AudioEncoderBase)

>>> encoded_audio = encoder(audio, encoder.sampling_rate)
>>> encoder.check_encoded_audio(encoded_audio)  # Check if the encoded audio format is valid (provided by AudioEncoderBase)