- 0
- 0
- 5
Missing release with Python 3 support
#107 opened by fwerner - 1
PyPA and conda
#89 opened by colasri - 0
Update CMake configuration
#103 opened by HealthyPear - 8
- 9
Unable to create new XCDF files from Python
#79 opened by jimbraun - 2
Add a new field in python
#94 opened by parthasarathipal - 16
Python3 bindings from a conda environment
#92 opened by HealthyPear - 3
Python 3 is coming
#87 opened by colasri - 2
Add a new field in python
#85 opened by jasonfan1997 - 1
XCDF/HAWCSim Corruption
#90 opened by jimbraun - 0
XCDFUtility paste: different delimiters parse only first value with no Warnings/Errors
#51 opened by Lilcupcake - 1
Configure errors with cmake
#84 opened by fwerner - 1
#83 opened by harmscho - 2
- 0
xcdf/utility/NumericalExpression.h include issue
#80 opened by jrpretz - 1
Field Groups
#73 opened by jimbraun - 7
Write data for each field into its own sub-frame
#27 opened by jimbraun - 0
Generic lists in expressions
#75 opened by jimbraun - 1
- 5
All fields should be of "Delta" type
#30 opened by jimbraun - 6
Derived fields
#55 opened by jimbraun - 0
- 1
- 0
- 2
Merge version3 branch
#65 opened by jimbraun - 0
xcdf-utility should also be simply 'xcdf'
#66 opened by jimbraun - 0
- 0
Track global max and min
#32 opened by jimbraun - 2
Eliminate concatenation
#67 opened by jimbraun - 0
Stash --> 2 containers
#64 opened by jimbraun - 1
Should be able to alias fields
#53 opened by jimbraun - 0
XCDFException is not exposed in pybindings
#57 opened by jimbraun - 1
Unable to grab fields by name at a given record
#56 opened by jimbraun - 1
- 1
XCDF Force Loading Comments Broke AERIE Online
#59 opened by jimbraun - 0
- 1
XCDF-Utility recovers no events
#58 opened by Lilcupcake - 0
Fix definitions in headers
#49 opened by jimbraun - 1
- 1
add-comments fails for files written to stream
#43 opened by jimbraun - 2
- 3
- 2
XCDFException not passed to python
#31 opened by jimbraun - 1
- 1
Dynamic histogram range
#23 opened by jimbraun - 1
Expression parsing code is awful
#18 opened by jimbraun - 0
decimal numbers are assigned as hex when parsed
#16 opened by jimbraun - 0
Bug with expression +/-
#17 opened by jimbraun