This repository contains KiCAD project files that contain schematics and board designs for the TRS-80 Tandy Color Computers that I have recreated.
If you want to view and edit these KiCAD projects you'll need KiCAD 7 or higher.
You can generate gerber files and order these boards fom your favorite PCB manufacturer.
In order to get the design files you can either use git to clone the repository or you can click on the code button above and download a zip file containing the projects.
To use git, open a terminal and type the following.
git clone
- Ordered
- Assembled
- Tested
- Testing the first revision of the board
- Testing the second revision of the board
- Testing the first revision of the Daiquiri on this board. The Daiquiri has since been fixed
- Ordered
- Assembled
- Tested
- Copying the board layout and original path of the traces 1
- Copying the board layout and original path of the traces 2
- Checking the board design against an actual board
- Testing the assembled board
- Ordered
- Assembled
- Tested/works but draws too much current and I don't know why yet.
- Ordered
- Assembled
- Tested
- Testing the first revision of the board
- Testing the RGB port
- Booting NitrOS 9 Ease Of Use
- Live build of Rev 1.0.1
- Rev 1.2.0 test fit