
Simple environment/configuration library for Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Clojars Project

A simple environment configuration library for Clojure.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

Clojars Project


  1. Add a base config file.

    Create a new file at /resources/conf/base.edn. This will be the base configuration that's loaded every time your app runs. For example:

    {:foo "bar"
     :port 5000}
  2. (Optional) Add environment-specific config files.

    If desired, you can set additional environment-specific config files for your app. Add additional files at /resources/conf/${ENV}.edn where $ENV is any string of your choosing. For example, following on the example above, if in production you'd like your app to run on port 80, you might create /resources/conf/prod.edn to look like this:

    {:port 80}
  3. (Optional) Add late binding variables.

    Configuration variables can refer to other configuration variables using the #var syntax:

      :database-url "sql://fake:1234/devdb"
      :bt-database-url #var :database-url
  4. Add code in your app to use your config values.

    For example:

    (require '[conf.core :as conf])
    (def foo (conf/get :foo))
    (defn -main [& args]
      (println "foo is" foo)
      (start-server {:port (conf/get :port)}))
  5. Run your app.

    To use just the base config, run your app normally, e.g. lein run. If you'd like to enable an environment-specific config, be sure to pass the CONF_ENV environment variable, e.g. CONF_ENV=prod lein run.


Copyright © 2014-present Jim Brusstar, Standard Treasury

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.