What is more exciting than playing video games? - Building an AI that plays video games!
How to install/register the
command: ./guide/failed-run-bot-did-not-find-botengine-program.md -
Running a bot using the botengine console app: ./guide/how-to-run-a-bot.md
Developing for EVE Online: ./guide/eve-online/developing-bots-for-eve-online.md
Find things faster in the EVE Online game client user interface: ./guide/eve-online/parsed-user-interface-of-the-eve-online-game-client.md
[Walkthrough, Programming]: Programming an EVE Online mining bot to defend against rats: https://youtu.be/dgV9Ce7f03I
[Walkthrough, Programming]: Adding a counter to an EVE Online bot: https://youtu.be/HLerePMeD3w
[Walkthrough, Programming]: How to add a setting to a botengine app: https://youtu.be/A-tbRE9S2ss
How to collect samples for 64-bit memory reading development: ./guide/how-to-collect-samples-for-64-bit-memory-reading-development.md
EVE Online warp-to-0 autopilot
EVE Online mining bot
EVE Online anomaly ratting bot
Tribal Wars 2 farmbot
More links to program codes are listed at https://botcatalog.org
In the 'explore' subdirectory, I report on explorations in the world of botting in video games. These are raw chronological reports of experiments and discoveries. Some of the approaches and solutions discovered here become seeds for bots and guides.