
work without wifi

Primary LanguageGo


Cavemode is a stand-alone implementation of the Orchestrate.io API for use in caves (or anywhere else without access to wifi).

The Orchestrate.io API is fully supported. Search capability is minimally supported, but is probably sufficient for use in a test/development environment.

Written in go, cavemode leverages the gorest and go-leveldb golang packages. Requires go v1.2.

Runs on MacOSX and Linux.

Getting started

Downloading the binary for Linux or MacOSX

Download the binary from https://github.com/jimcar/cavemode/releases, and install it so that can be found in $PATH.

Building from source

To build from source, you must have a Go 1.2 development environment.

MacOSX: you may need to install mercurial using homebrew: "brew install mercurial"

$ cd $WORK_DIR

$ git clone https://github.com/jimcar/cavemode.git cavemode

$ cd cavemode

$ mkdir bin pkg

$ export GOPATH=$WORK_DIR/cavemode

$ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

$ go get code.google.com/p/gorest

$ go get code.google.com/p/go-leveldb

MacOSX: Temporary workaround for go-leveldb compilation issue (not detecting OS)

Add the following line to src/code.google.com/p/go-leveldb/port/port_posix.h, before line 11:

#define OS_MACOSX

$ cd $WORK_DIR/src/github.com/jimcar/cavemode

$ go install

Environment variables

CAVEMODE_DB_DIR specifies the directory where the leveldb files reside. The default is $HOME/.cavemode/leveldb-files.

CAVEMODE_JSON_INDENT, when set to "true", prettifies the json response body. Useful when exercising the API with curl or a browser.

CAVEMODE_EXTEND_GRAPH_DEPTH, when set to "true", doubles the maximum graph depth from the default of three hops to six.

Running cavemode

$ cavemode

Cavemode listens on port 8787, so point your client to localhost:8787 and start making requests.


Cavemode is fully-functional, but remains rough around the edges. There are a number of known issues, and certainly many more yet to be discovered.

Community participation is highly encouraged, so make a pull request and improve something!