Python CRASH Course by JimShapedCoding - Click Here to Start!
After this 5-hour course, you'll have a lot of new information on Programming with Python.
While you watch the video, feel free to ask questions in the comments section, share your code on different exercises, and give a feedback about the tutorial at all.
What this course includes ?
- At least 1 Exercise on each section
- 10 on-demand exercises with solutions
- 40 lectures
- Best Practices of how to write efficient code
- Deep explanations about each topic
- Full documentation on the entire tutorial
What you will learn?
- Basics:
- Variables
- Useful built-in Functions
- Variables Types & Conversions
- String Methods
- Math Operations
- Working with External Libraries
- Expressions
- Logic:
- Program Conditioning (If/Else/Else If)
- Lists
- List Methods and Indexing
- Dictionaries and its methods
- Range built-in Function
- For Loops
- Debugging your programs
- While Loops and While True
- What are Iterables and Non Iterables
- Functions
- Function Parameters, Default Parameters
- Return Statement
- Object Oriented Programming:
- Classes and Instances
- Instance Attributes
- Constructor, init method
- Why always self
- Class Attributes
What you could continue learning after completing this course?
- Learn more about OOP concepts
- Web Scraping with Python
- Machine Learning
- Web Development with Flask
- Web Development with Django
- Graphical User Interface development with Tkinter / PyQT5
- Developing Games with pygame
- Develop advanced Console applications with argparse
- This list probably has thousands of options, let`s stop here
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