Barbershop Kiosk

Django Project

Django CI Donate

This is a Kiosk System to keep track of the walking clients in a barbershop.

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Sign Up View

The client walking into the barbershop and sign up in a tablet kiosk with Name and preferred barber.


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Select a barber

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Waiting Room View

Clients will see thier names, preferred barber and check in time on a display in the waiting room. The display will show the estimated waiting time. Image description

Employees Main View

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All Barber's Profiles

Each barber has their own profile.

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Barber Profile

Here they will see which client is waiting for them and they will have a service button when they start serving the client and a completed button when they finish with the client. Each profile is filtered to see only the customers waiting for you or customers that selected ANY. Barbers can update available status to let customer know if their available to take any walking customer.

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Owner Settings

In the settings, the owner will have the ability to add or remove barbers and services.

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Prices View

The prices view is a section to replace old prices banners on the wall with a digital display, this will show prices entered in the settings section.

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