Secure Your ReactJS App with Auth0 Authentication

Secure Your ReactJS App with Auth0 Authentication

This is the code for the blog post Secure Your ReactJS App with Auth0 Authentication. In this blog post, I show you how to secure your ReactJS app with Auth0 authentication. Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your applications. Auth0 provides a universal authentication and authorization platform for web, mobile, and legacy applications. It is a cloud-based service that provides a set of unified APIs and tools that instantly enables single sign-on and user management for all of your applications.

Clone the repository

by https

git clone

by ssh

git clone

or download the zip file.

Install the dependencies

cd Secure-Your-ReactJS-App-with-Auth0-Authentication
npm install

Create an Auth0 Application

  1. Go to the Auth0 Dashboard and click on the "Create Application" button.
  2. Name your new app and select "Single Page Web Applications".
  3. Click on the "Create" button.
  4. Go to the "Settings" tab and add http://localhost:3000 to the "Allowed Callback URLs", "Allowed Web Origins", and "Allowed Logout URLs" fields.
  5. Click on the "Save Changes" button.
  6. Go to the "Quick Start" tab and select "React" and get the domain and client ID.

Edit auth_config.js File

  1. Go to the src folder and edit file called auth_config.js. Replace the domain and clientId with the ones you got from the Auth0 Dashboard.

Run the Application

npm start


Raul Jimenez

Blog Post

Secure Your ReactJS App with Auth0 Authentication