
Http Proxy

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Extensible man in the middle HTTP proxy with SSL support. It was written because I need a way to monitor and possibly stub some browser request in selenium tests. It also available as NuGet Package


Setup HTTP proxy:

  var httpProxyServer = new HttpProxyServer("localhost", new HttpProxy());
  // do stuff

Setup SSL proxy:

  var certificate = new X509Certificate2("path_to_sertificate", "password");
  var sslProxyServer = new HttpProxyServer("localhost", new SslProxy(certificate));
  // do ssl stuff

Extension points

Request are processed in 5 stages:

  • receive request from client
  • connect to destination server
  • send request to server and receive response
  • send response back to client
  • complete processing and close connections

It is possible to add additional behavior to any stage with delegates:

  var httpProxy = new HttpProxy(){
    OnRequestReceived = context => {},
    OnServerConnected = context => {},
    OnResponseReceived = context => {},
    OnResponseSent = context => {},
    OnProcessingComplete = context => {}

Context stores request information during processing single request. What you can possibly do with it ?

  • modify request and response headers
  • modify request and response body
  • respond by yourself on behalf of destination server
  • ...or something in between

Take a look at console app and tests for usage example.