
Minimal higher-level wrapper around AWeber's API for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal higher-level wrapper around AWeber's API for Node.js.

npm Version Build Status Test Coverage Dependency Status


  • Promise-based
  • Minimal
  • Resilient to upstream changes to the AWeber API


Install using npm:

$ npm install aweber-api --save

Getting Started

  1. In order to use the AWeber API, you will first need to register for a free developer account.
  2. Once you have an account, log in and create an app, making note of your consumer key and secret.

With a consumer key and secret, you are now ready to authenticate your app and verify one or more accounts. We'll start by verifying a single account. Open a Node.js console session:

$ node
> Aweber = require('aweber-api')
[Function: Aweber]
> aw = Aweber('your-consumer-key', 'your-consumer-secret')
> aw.getAuthorizationUrl().then(console.log).catch(console.log)
Promise { <pending> }
> https://auth.aweber.com/1.0/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Visit the URL this generates. You will be prompted to enter the credentials for the AWeber account you'd like to access via the API (NOTE: AWeber account, NOT your labs developer account).

After submitting the form, copy the verifier code that was generated and return to your node console session:

> aw.getAccessToken('your-verifier-token').then(console.log).catch(console.log)
Promise { <pending> }

At this point, your account is fully authenticated. Make note of your token and token secret. These should be stored securely for future use.


aweber-api exports a factory function for creating new aweber instances. Consumer key and secret are required.

const Aweber = require('aweber-api');

// ...

const aw = Aweber(config.consumerKey, config.consumerSecret, {
  token: session.token,
  tokenSecret: session.tokenSecret

Available Options

Overview of defaults:

Aweber(consumerKey, consumerSecret, {
  token: null,
  tokenSecret: null,
  userAgent: 'aweber-api (https://github.com/jimf/aweber-api)',
  Promise: Promise




Resets the instance's internal token value to an empty string, requests a new temporary token, stores the new token internally, and returns the URL where authorization can be made. An optional callback url may be specified. Returns a Promise.


Request a new token and token secret. This method requires the verifier code obtained from the user authorization process. Returns a Promise.

HTTP Verbs

See the official AWeber API docs for specifics on using individual endpoints.

Aweber#del(url, options)

Makes a single DELETE request to the AWeber API for the given resource, returning a Promise.


  • url {String}: URL of the resource to be deleted (host and query params optional)
  • options {Object}: Options object
  • options.params {Object}: Dictionary of query parameters to specify


// All of the following are equivalent:
aw.del('https://api.aweber.com/1.0/example/1?ws.op="delete"').then(/* ... */);
aw.del('/1.0/example/1?ws.op="delete"').then(/* ... */);
aw.del('/1.0/example/1', { params: { 'ws.op': 'delete' } }).then(/* ... */);

Aweber#get(url, options)

Makes a single GET request to the AWeber API for the given resource, returning a Promise.


  • url {String}: URL of the resource to be retrieved (host and query params optional)
  • options {Object}: Options object
  • options.params {Object}: Dictionary of query parameters to specify


// All of the following are equivalent:
aw.get('https://api.aweber.com/1.0/example?status="new"').then(/* ... */);
aw.get('/1.0/example?status="new"').then(/* ... */);
aw.get('/1.0/example', { params: { status: 'new' } }).then(/* ... */);

Aweber#patch(url, options)

Makes a single PATCH request to the AWeber API for the given resource, returning a Promise.


  • url {String}: URL of the resource to be updated (host and query params optional)
  • options {Object}: Options object
  • options.data {Object}: Dictionary of fields with their updated values
  • options.params {Object}: Dictionary of query parameters to specify


const opts = { data: { subject: 'new value' } };

// All of the following are equivalent:
aw.patch('https://api.aweber.com/1.0/example/1', opts).then(/* ... */);
aw.patch('/1.0/example/1', opts).then(/* ... */);

Aweber#post(url, options)

Makes a single POST request to the AWeber API for the given resource, returning a Promise.


  • url {String}: URL of the resource to be created (host and query params optional)
  • options {Object}: Options object
  • options.data {Object}: Dictionary of field/value pairs
  • options.params {Object}: Dictionary of query parameters to specify


const data = { foo: 1, bar: true };
const params = { 'ws.op': 'create' };

// All of the following are equivalent:
aw.post('https://api.aweber.com/1.0/example?ws.op=create', { data }).then(/* ... */);
aw.post('https://api.aweber.com/1.0/example', { data, params }).then(/* ... */);
aw.post('/1.0/example?ws.op=create', { data }).then(/* ... */);
aw.post('/1.0/example', { data, params }).then(/* ... */);

Aweber#put(url, options)

Makes a single PUT request to the AWeber API for the given resource, returning a Promise.


  • url {String}: URL of the resource to be updated (host and query params optional)
  • options {Object}: Options object
  • options.data {Object}: Dictionary containing fully updated record
  • options.params {Object}: Dictionary of query parameters to specify


const opts = { data: { id: 1, foo: 1, bar: true } };

// All of the following are equivalent:
aw.post('https://api.aweber.com/1.0/example', opts).then(/* ... */);
aw.post('/1.0/example', opts).then(/* ... */);
