A quickstart package to get a node app up and running.
To install dependencies, run:
npm install
This command will:
- Install required server node modules
- Run the local version of bower to install the client bower modules
The server runs a basic setup with Express and Jade, and by default makes a websocket connection to all clients. For convenience, underscore and bunyan are also installed.
To run the server:
node web.js
The client is configured with require.js, has a websocket client, and comes installed with jquery, jquery-ui, bootstrap, and underscore.
By default, all the client does is establish a connnection, receive pings from the server, and prints them to the user in a terminal-like visualization.
The app should be easy to deploy to heroku. If you are using heroku-accounts, configure your account for the repository:
git config heroku.account personal
To set up the app, run:
heroku create node-skeleton
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs
heroku labs:enable websockets
heroku ps:scale web=1
For a demo of the functionality, visit: http://node-skeleton.herokuapp.com/