
:orange: A Dark Colorscheme for Vim and Neovim with Vitaminic Colors

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Vim-Vitamin-Onec Logo

A dark Vim colorscheme with vitaminic colors that promote fruitful programming and writing


Featuring orange, several "fruity" colors, two shades of dark grey, and one shade of light grey, vim-vitamin-onec received its name because (i) the orange is both a meaningful highlight color and a fruit containing vitamin C, (ii) the dominant grey background has a onec color code of #1c1c1c, and (iii) the alliteration in the name makes it more fun to say. Since the combination of those facts yielded the name "vim-vitamin-onec", this colorscheme offers a "vitaminic" combination of bright colors and dark greys will promote "fruitful" programming and writing.

Providing both true-color and 256-color variants, vim-vitamin-onec supports Vim, Neovim, MacVim, and GVim — although the colorscheme is primarily developed and tested with Neovim. Even though it should work in other contexts, the colorscheme best enhances the use of Neovim during the use of the following languages: CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Markdown, Python, React, and Shell. Importantly, vim-vitamin-onec provides highlight group definitions for well-known Vim plugins (e.g., Semshi's semantic highlighting of Python code).


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript




Python and Shell



If you use Plug, then you can install vim-vitamin-onec by using:

Plug 'gkapfham/vim-vitamin-onec'

You can adopt the true-color variant of vim-vitamin-onec by using:

" Use full color in the terminal
set termguicolors

" Display the colorscheme
colorscheme vitaminonec

Plugin Configuration

The vim-vitamin-onec colorscheme defines highlight groups for the following plugins or types of highlight:

  • Ale
  • Conceal
  • Easymotion
  • Fzf
  • Git-messenger
  • Semshi
  • Signature
  • Statusline
  • Quickfix

If you want the fzf in your terminal to match the vim-vitamin-onec theme, then add this to your .zshrc file:

  --bind ctrl-f:page-down,ctrl-b:page-up

If you want your lightline.vim to match vim-vitamin-onec, then add the following lines to your .vimrc or init.vim file. Make sure that you delete <remainder of the lighline variable> and add in you other configurations for this plugin!

let g:lightline = {
      \ 'colorscheme': 'vitaminonec',
      <remainder of the lightline variable>
\ }

Raising an Issue

The developer of vim-vitamin-onec is glad that you are willing to take the time to raise an issue documenting problems with the colorscheme. Before you do so, please check the Issue Tracker to make sure that someone has not already raised your issue. If you have a new issue to raise, then please go ahead and raise it!

Making an Improvement

Do you want to improve vim-vitamin-onec? First, please consider reviewing the vim-wwdc16-theme from which it was derived. Next, install Colortemplate, modify template/vitamin-onec.template, and then rebuild the colorscheme using the command :Colortemplate!.

The colorscheme's developer uses the GitHub Flow Model to guide the creation of vim-vitamin-onec. You are invited to also follow this model as you make a contribution through a pull request. If you have a new feature or bug fix that you want the project maintainers to merge into vim-vitamin-onec, then you should make a Pull Request.