#RegulaR Regular expressions for humans, a port of Ruby's Regularity library
Development of this library is moving to rex, which provides a more robust R friendly framework
regulaR is a human friendly regular expression builder for R. While regular expressions are a powerful way to match text, they are sometimes difficult to document and understand when written. R also has escaping issues with regular expression this library hopes to solve.
So instead of writing
regex = "^[0-9]{3}-[A-Za-z]{2}#?(?:a|b)c{2,4}\\$$"
You can write
regex = regulaR() %>% start_with(3, digits) %>%
then('-') %>%
then(2L, letters) %>%
maybe('#') %>%
one_of(c('a','b')) %>%
between(c(2L,4L), 'c') %>%
- rex for an alternate (better?) implementation
This package is inspired by @hadley's tweet