Some EsLint rules that I use for my own projects. So I don't have to write them every time. Basically, idomatic styling with a few changes
Unless you want to code like me, nothing to see here, move along.
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-jimhigson-my-eslint-rules
copy-pastie to .eslintrc.json:
"extends": "jimhigson-my-eslint-rules"
Or maybe:
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-jimhigson-my-eslint-rules loash.defaultsdeep
// copy-pastie-me to .eslintrc.js:
'use strict'
const defaultsDeep = require( 'lodash.defaultsdeep' );
module.exports = defaultsDeep( {
// project specific rules
// parser: 'babel-eslint', // probably want this, at least until eslint starts parsing
// modern js nicely
}, require( 'eslint-config-jimhigson-my-eslint-rules' ) )
Or even:
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-jimhigson-my-eslint-rules loash.defaultsdeep eslint-config-react-app
// copy-pastie-me to .eslintrc.js:
'use strict'
const defaultsDeep = require( 'lodash.defaultsdeep' );
module.exports = defaultsDeep( {
// project-specific rules
require( 'jimhigson-my-eslint-rules' ),
require( 'eslint-config-eslint-config-react-app' )