
People custom post type with some other goodies.

Primary LanguagePHP

AgriLife People

Plugin URI: https://github.com/AgriLife/AgriLife-People

Description: People custom post type with some other goodies

Version: 1.0

Author: J. Aaron Eaton

Author URI: http://channeleaton.com

License: GPL2


The following plugins must be installed and activated:

  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • ACF: Repeater Field
  • ACF: Flexible Content Field
  • ACF: Gallery Field
  • Jetpack by WordPress.com


  • This is a fork of the now deprecated AgriLife Staff plugin. You may continue to use AgriLife Staff, but updates will not be made.



  • Fixed resume link to be conditional
  • Forcing reduced font size on email addresses
  • Flushing rewrite rules on activation/deactivation
  • Alerts users if required plugins are not installed/activated
  • Commented and cleaned up code


  • Fixed search not working with new templates
  • Added "search" parameter to people_listing shortcode


  • Fixed query
  • Placed query in static method for easy reuse
  • Added Resume/CV field


  • Fixed archive template title
  • Fixed name going blank when using quick edit


  • Allowing shortcode to filter by Type
  • Fixed taxonomy archive template


  • Fixed people search box not displaying on some themes
  • Added blurb field to Featured Person widget


  • Forked AgriLife Staff plugin
  • Updated to use Advanced Custom Fields
  • Added flexible content areas for people pages
  • Tweaked default styles