
A demo blog project to show you how to use ocLazyLoad in your porject.

Primary LanguageHTML

A demo blog project for ocLazyLoad

This is a demo blog project created for how to use ocLazyLoad in your project. It provided a build tool (use gulp) to combine, minify files and rename them as a content hash (by use gulp-rev-all), so you can put them on CDN.

For a real app which is use this structure please refer to a branch on this project.

P.S. My English is very bad, I hope you can understand what I mean :)


This blog has three modules : Home, Blog and About. Every module has a folder under app/modules.

Module Home just a introduce, which is now you are reading :)

Routers are defined in app/app.js, which can show you how ocLazyLoad works on Blog module with ui-router. Blog module has few controllers, they are used to Create, Delete, Update the blogs.

About module only has a button, When you click it, it will show you a modal by using ui-bootstrap -- but ui-bootstrap-tpls.js only load when you first click this button.

Build files for production

Download this project, then do:

npm install

E2E Test

Install Protractor, then:

npm test


Thanks to @ocombe for his working on ocLazyLoad. It's really a awesome project.
