
Python Game summative using pygame. A top down zombie shooter

Primary LanguagePython

Python Game

A top down zombie shooter made using pygame


Python v2.x

Pygame 1.9.1


This game has a score, wave number and zombies left in the current wave

Every five waves a boss spawns

There is active ammo for each weapon and when you run out you must reload from ammo that you current have. A green reloading bar will appear on top of the player. You cannot shot or switch weapons until it has finished reloading.

HP: 350
Armour: 200


  • Pistol
  • Uzi
  • Slow Gun (does no damage but each hit decreases a zombie's speed)
  • Machine Gun (can hold to shoot)
  • Rail Gun (invisible bullet)

Powerups are:

  • 2x speed for 15s alt text
  • 2x damage for 15s alt text
  • Heal HP by 100 alt text
  • Heal Armour by 100 alt text
  • Ammoalt text
  • Invincible for 15s alt text

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