- OS recommended
- MacOS 13.1 or latest
- Ubuntu 18.04 or latest
- NeoVim v0.8+
- Tmux 3.3a+
This is my personal configuration, use at you own risk
git clone git@github.com:jimigrunge/dotfiles.git
- git : Version control
- tig : git viewer
- python : Language executable
- pynvim
- nodejs : Language executable
- fzf : Fuzzy search
- exa : Pretty terminal listings(deprecated)
- lsd : LSDeluxe terminal listings (lsd-rs/lsd)
- golang-go : Language executable
- ripgrep : Grep enhanced
- oh-my-zsh : Command line theming
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- mcfly : Petty execution history search
- atuin: cmd history search
- rust : Language executable
- php : Language executable
- composer : PHP package installer
- jq : JSON processing tool
- neovim : Vim advanced "THE Editor"
- tmux : Terminal window manager
- xclip : Linux clipboard helper
- delta : Pretty git diffs. https://github.com/dandavison/delta
- bat: cat with wings
- tldr: man on steroids
- lazygit: cli git gui
- fd-find: one hell of a find
On Linux and MacOS you can use getnf to install patched nerd fonts.
DejaVuSans Mono has been added in the fonts
directory for convenience because it's the one I like the most.