Grab weather forecast information using Dark Sky's API
You can install this using Composer
"require": {
"DarkSkyApi": "dev-master"
By default, the class uses Guzzle to fetch data from the Dark Sky API servers.
You can change this to use PHP's file_get_contents
, by adding "FGC" to the construct
$dark_sky = new \DarkSkyApi\DarkSkyApi('API KEY', 'FGC');
The code is shipped with some test data use for automated tests, which is useful to use while developing, saving your API allowance. Change your adapter to "Test", to use the sample data.
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$dark_sky = new \DarkSkyApi\DarkSkyApi('API KEY');
$forecast = $dark_sky->get_forecast('LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE');
This class is loosely based on
I found that Dark Sky had changed their API since Overcast was last updated, and I wanted to make it an easier experience in case they changed their format again.