- Download the processed data.
- zip파일 다운 후 압축해제 하여 IEMOCAP_multi.pkl 경로
- crossval_SER.py의 line15 features_file = 'IEMOCAP_multi.pkl'에 맞는 경로로 수정
Code for Speech Emotion Recognition with Co-Attention based Multi-level Acoustic Information (ICASSP 2022)
The code for data processing is available online now. It can be downloaded and used as a reference.
If you think our paper and code are useful for your research work. Please give us a star or cite our original paper. This will give us the motivation to continue to share our code.
- models
-- transformers_encoder
-- related python files
- results
-- t-SNE
- extracted_features.pkl
- crossval_SER.py
- train_ser.py
- data_utils.py
- requirements.txt
- PyTorch version: 1.8.0
- CUDA version: 11.1
- cudnn version: 8005
- GPU: Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB
Downlioad pretrained Wav2vec2.0 model from https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h
Downlioad the processed data. (It is a little big, later we will delete it from Google Drive) Google Drive; Baidu YunPan
Install related libries. pip install requirements.txt
Run. python crossval_SER.py
If you use our code or find our CA-MSER useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Speech Emotion Recognition with Co-Attention Based Multi-Level Acoustic Information},
author={Zou, Heqing and Si, Yuke and Chen, Chen and Rajan, Deepu and Chng, Eng Siong},
booktitle={ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},