Research @ Codifica


Want to contribute to the research?

Good, checkout the README inside the data/ directory and send me a pull request.

Check to make sure it doesn't break the site before submitting. Or else @kenzshi will drop you a visit when you're sleeping.

Don't know how to check? Just run this from the root research.codifica directory:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337

Fire up a web browser and navigate to localhost:1337

If you don't have Python and SimpleHTTPServer installed, go figure out how to run your own local web server...

Want to compile the data from scratch?

You fucking masochist.


Generating the dataset from Natural Earth data.

Download the datasets from Natural Earth

Compile the dataset for the US (the ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces dataset includes data for each US state)

ogr2ogr \
  -f GeoJSON \
  -where "ADM0_A3 = 'USA'" \
  subunits.json \

Compile the dataset for major populated cities in the US

ogr2ogr \
  -f GeoJSON \
  -where "ISO_A2 = 'US' AND SCALERANK < 8" \
  places.json \

Combining the two datasets

topojson \
  -o us.json \
  --id-property SU_A3 \
  --properties name=NAME \
  -- \
  subunits.json \