An Rx implementation of redux-saga for @ngrx/store and Angular 2.
Based on redux-saga-rxjs by Salsita, with inspiration from redux-saga by Yelouafi.
depends on @ngrx/store and Angular 2. After configuring @ngrx/store, install store-saga
npm install store-saga --save
Write a saga:
import {Saga} from 'store-saga';
export const Increment: Saga = iterable => iterable
.filter(({ state, action }) => action.type === 'DECREMENT')
.map(() => ({ type: 'INCREMENT' }));
Bootstrap your app using the saga middleware provider and your saga:
import sagaMiddlewareProvider, { useSaga } from 'store-saga';
bootstrap(App, [
provideStore(reducer, initialState),
To run your saga in the context of the injector, you can write saga factories instead:
import {Saga} from 'store-saga';
import {Http} from 'angular2/http';
export function authenticate(http: Http): Saga<State>{
return iterable => iterable
.filter(({ action }) => action.type === 'GET_USER')
.flatMap(() => http.get('/user'))
.map(res => res.json())
.map(user => ({ type: 'USER_RETRIEVED', user }));
Then create a provider for the saga with useSagaFactory
import sagaMiddlewareProvider, {useSagaFactory} from 'store-saga';
bootstrap(App, [
provideStore(reducer, initialState),
useSagaFactory(authenticate, [ Http ])