
Sass libsass framework for responsive development

Primary LanguageCSS


woocss is a framework built for web designers and front-end developers who know the basics, and would like a lightweight starter framework in which to base your projects. The current release is still under development.


  1. Complete base sassanimation for import.
  2. Complete more components
  3. Create a yeoman installer

== Installation =======================================================

Installation instructions for woocss base framework.

  1. Install NodeJs (http://nodejs.org/)
  2. Install sass (http://sass-lang.com/install)
  3. npm install -g bower
  4. In console, run "nmp install" then "bower install".
  5. In console, run "gulp watch".


== Notes ===============================================================

Generate your 260x260 icon file for img/ico at http://realfavicongenerator.net/. Gulp file is still in dev mode, you might need to tweak.