
Primary LanguageJavaScript


I decided to break down the Tasks into Functions.

When a Request is made, data is extracted from the CSV file and pushed into an Array. Once this is Done, a function called GroupArrayAccordingToToken is used to group the the data aaccording to the type of Tokens available in the CSV file.

Once this is Done, the Function CalCulateBalanceForEachToken is called to get the Total deposits and Withdrwals for each Group. Once the Balance For each Token is got, the function CalculateUSDValueForEachSymbol is used to make the API calls to the USD prrices for each Token, then multiplies the balance with the USD value to the the portifolio Value.

When filtering the data using dates, the functions NormalisedDateParameter and ConvertedCsvTimeStampToDate are used to handle the dates. NormalisedDateParameter is used to convert the formart provided by the user into DD/MM/YYYY . ConvertedCsvTimeStampToDate is used to convert the timestamp in the CSV file into DD/MM/YYYY Both dates are then compared. If any row in the csv file matches the date, it is added into the array for processing.

How To Run the Solution

use the command get-transactions to get the results.

Passing Parameters

get-transactions --date "2019/10/25" --token "ETH"

get-transactions --token "ETH"

get-transactions --date "2019/10/25"

Pass the Dates in this Formart YYYY-MM-DD

Issues Identified during testing

When my tests, I realised the that since CSV file is quite huge,Javascript heap out of memory happens alot. By Increasing the Memory Size to around 4GB ,it worked but this is not a concrete solution. Processing the data as it's being imported line by line seems to be a better way handle this problem. Unforunately due to time constriants I was not able to come up with a tangible solution. For now, kindly bare with the make shift solution.

Incase you have any questions or clarifications kindly reach out to me through my email jimkinyua25@gmail.com