Tntnet ====== Tntnet is a web application server for web applications written in C++. You can write a Web-page with HTML and with special tags you embed C++-code into the page for active contents. These pages, called components are compiled into C++-classes with the ecpp-compilier "ecppc", then compiled into objectcode and linked into a shared library. This shared library is loaded by the webserver "tntnet" on request and executed. The ecpp-compiler can create also C++-classes from static files of any type, e.g. you can compile a jpeg-image into the library. So the whole webapplication is a single library. The application runs native, so they are very fast and compact. Features supported include: cookies, HTTP-upload, automatic request-parameter parsing and conversion, automatic sessionmanagement, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation, keep-alive. Logging is done through cxxtools. Tntnet is fully multithreaded, so it scales well on multiprocessor machines. It uses a dynamic pool of workerthreads, which answers requests from http-clients. Ssl is supported via the gnutls- or openssl-library. Installation ============ To install tntnet, you need cxxtools ( You can find generic installation instructions in the file INSTALL. Quick start =========== To create a simple application run "tntnet-project hello". This creates a directory "hello" with a simple project and prints a short message, how to run the application. There are some demo-applications you can try in _demos_. To run the demos without installing tntnet, change to the directory of the demo and run tntnet from the directory framework/runtime: cd hello ../../framework/runtime/tntnet Tntnet listens on port 8000. Start your browser and navigate to: http://localhost:8000/ Documentation is provided in man pages and some documents found in the doc directory.