
SanFrancisco Mono in Hyper ⚡️

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Note: There are no fonts in this repository.
Requirements: macOS Sierra (Tested on 10.12.3)

Use the Sans Franciso Mono typeface ("SFMono") in Hyper without actually installing the typefaces. It works by using the css @fontface feature to load fonts directly from terminal.app.

Disclaimer: Alternatively, You can save yourself the trouble and just actually install the fonts directly. They work fine.

Name Weight
SFMono-Light 300
SFMono-LightItalic 300
SFMono-Regular 400
SFMono-RegularItalic 400
SFMono-Medium 500
SFMono-MediumItalic 500
SFMono-Semibold 600
SFMono-SemiboldItalic 600
SFMono-Bold 700
SFMono-BoldItalic 700
SFMono-Heavy 800
SFMono-HeavyItalic 800